Sunday, September 30, 2007
Dark days
*sigh* what a bad depressing day.. If I could change the layout and colour scheme of my blog any darker, I would.. but I think that would be really detrimental to the eyes of my dear friends who read this blog instead of tp's blog to get updates on my life..
Ever since I lost my scholarship last sem I haven't really given much thought to it.. until now, when the first sem's $3k plus school fees were deducted from my parents' account.. And what a bad day to break the news too.. apparently last night on a joyous trip to town for shopping and dinner which included my dad, mum and sis, quickly degenerated into what my sis termed, "a brawl". No wonder she sms'ed me late last night asking what to do..
My dad exploded at my mum yesterday when he found out about my bro going to Taiwan with his army friends.. he has this very negative impression of them, yelling on about how my mum was gullible enough to think that my bro's going for a holiday.. how they are actually going to go whoring, drinking and might even get into trouble with the triads there.. how exaggerated.. I'm quite certain my bro isn't that dumb..
But I gather that from the recent incident of my bro turning up home carried by two of his friends after his birthday bash made drunk by his friends.. and even left his specs in the club.. so most prob my dad figures it might happen in Taiwan and he get robbed or smth.. *hai* times I got drunk my friends brought me to their place.. And I always made sure I appeared home sober and ok.. should've let my bro know..
At least my sis is still matured enough to try and mediate this brawl.. and decided not to go to Taiwan with my mum anymore already.. Though I feel real bad for my mum.. who bore the brunt of everything.. though she had nothing to do with it. Not to mention being totally disappointed cuz she always wanted to go to Taiwan.. after 20 years.. Add on to that my additional financial drain now.. *sigh*
When I told my dad he just merely said, "what to do, pay la. Told you not to do so much nonsense already," with a tone a concoction of resignation and restrained anger. I felt like crap.
So all I can do now is to find more money to earn, and earn them, to help relieve that financial burden.. how dumb of me to squander that scholarship amounting to almost $30k away just like that.. when in year one you're supposed to score. right now I guess I can only look for more sources of $$ and reduce my own spending.. (which I am doing already..)
ok enough of depressing posts.. thank goodness for tp being here =) she's been absolutely lovely -muack muack-
^^^ [e] ^^^ slimed this at 3:57 PM
Saturday, September 29, 2007
You Don't Love Me Anymore..
hey hey.. smth new.. haah You dont love me anymore.. an old mp3 i've been hearing in tp's ipod.. hilarious lyrics.. should've known it was Weird Al haha.. btw here's the link to youtube.. btw I think this is one of his few rarer original songs.. instead of spoofs =)
You Don't Love Me Anymoreand ben!! hope you like tp's blog huh.. hahahaha... she's got all the photos mah.. =)
^^^ [e] ^^^ slimed this at 2:21 AM
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Arrogant Worms
Wahahaha I never knew The Arrongant Worms sang the song, "I Am Cow"..
spent an afternoon youtubing them lol.. check out Rippy The Gator.. and listen to the lyrics... it's hilarious
and Kill The Dog Next Door too! or Carrot Juice is Murder wahaha..
^^^ [e] ^^^ slimed this at 3:19 PM
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Recess Week!
Wahaha.. recess week now.. *yawn* I woke up at 7am today! lalala gonna finish up late jobs and stuff.. e.g. my aunt's cake website..
been busy with little surprise.. tired.. but at least I recovered from my Buaya week-cum-Bioessay-cum-Lab report combo on Thursday night.. didn't sleep for almost 40hrs.. lol... managed to reach 38hrs before concussing haha..
a little peek into my buaya week gift for my buaya, who happened to be Delfine.. hahahaa.. damn funny la..

Comm. allocation meeting tmr.. *sigh* this year seems like there's a severe lack of geeks in Sheares.. After two days of scouring and looking for IT-skilled people to join IT Team, only two surfaced.. fortunately they're really skilled.. hehe.. have to depend on them now.. had to source for 12 other IT members to fill up the list, and rank them accordingly.. supposed to have 200% of total comm size to rank but I barely reached 150% for IT Team.. =P hrmm hopefully all my desired members will get in.. oh, plus there's a severe inbalance of block B pple.. heh
so this week there'll be comm allo meeting, tuition, tuition and more tuition.. AND MUST study for midterms!!!
little surprise~
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Wednesday, September 19, 2007
The romance of ed and tp
And so she asked on Facebook:

I thought about it, then clicked "Confirm"...

And tt's our story. =)
wahahaha... kk just kidding around.. but it was so hilarious when we were trying to update our facebook.. just thought I'd put it here..
Anyway, I got my position as IT Chair.. *yay* though there wasn't any competition.. quite a few meetings to settle now actually.. and just finished Comms fair last night.. *sigh* so many people are turned off by the thinking that they need to be IT zai to join.. I mean, if you're interested you can join too! ( you have to be willing to learn tho ) But fortunately I got my IT powerhouses already.. to take charge of the 2 projects planned..
Tonight will be the interviews, hopefully I can get more people to join. AND I feel so bad for my buaya/buayees! its closing tmr already and I still havent done anything yet.. ARGHHHHHHHH running around for 3 tuitions, trying to finish my aunt's website, preparing for the new surprise, etc etc.. *dies* I feel quite tired..
okie! time to rush my 1000 word essay due on friday.. -cheers-
^^^ [e] ^^^ slimed this at 2:24 PM
Friday, September 14, 2007
A summary of life so far...
wheeee I'm finally posting! whaahaha,,, ok there'll be pictures and photos too! hehe..
SWOChrm.. firstly of cuz.. the very very late update on SWOC.. my hall orientation.. hmm as all of you know.. other than a successful and very very fun SWOC, Sheares Hall won
Chancellor Shield this year!!!!! wahahaa and swept almost all of the Flag shields and breaking NUS Flag Donation record..
well for SWOC, I built that ginormous prop, the 9m by 6m castle, meant to be the last stronghold for the evil CHOU King, with a final water bomb war showdown between the seniors and freshman.. it was a once in a lifetime experience.. wahaha so happy that my castle stood its ground till the very end, then crumbling to a spectacular finish as the hundreds of waterbombs stockpiled in the castle were used up.. people screaming everywhere, water bombs flying into the castle like artillery.. it was AMAZING..
for some front shots of the castle:

I also did videos for SWOC, a mix of footages from the day itself, and some clips we acted/filmed for the orientation's storyline.. hehe had to make the video at the end of each day when I get the new footages.. and it was pretty xiong towards the end.. but I think in the end it all turned out quite fine =) The videos included the SP video starring the SWOC and the flag video too..
Engin Pageanthahahaah dont ask me how me and tp ended up inside.. gwen (the organiser) asked us during engin camp,as she was looking for senior couples this yr, and we just thought it'd be an experience and would be fun..
Met some really great people in there, both freshies and seniors alike.. experienced some make-up sessions, modelling sessions and stuff.. pretty awkward though the whole time.. then came the day itself real soon.. haha I think I was pretty out of place that day, and didn't do tt well but it was still fun! haha and thx to all you guys out there who were willing to come and support.. the FF, boon, harish, and SWOC..
btw, I ended up not winning anything.. LOL.. but I think the only really nice prize was the Singtel sponsored Sony Ericsson phone.. which Shimon won.. bahh.. the rest were all makeovers and modelling contracts, not really my cup of tea.. BUT tp won Ms Engin! wahaha... now she's practically hailed as Queen by our friends in hall and school.. hahaha.. hilarious to disturb her about it..
some photos!!

oh btw, for the first photo, we were supposed to be emulating the Jay Chou white long sleeved shirt with grey jumper outfit in "Secret", and tp wore the same grey jumper and white shirt, with a pleated white skirt so very short. Check out what I won that day! Ms Engin! wahahaha
Other stuff till now...Hrmm.. tt's about all of the major events so far... other stuff includes me getting a skate scooter to travel betw Sheares and PGP, since its a downslope from PGP to Sheares, and another downslope route from Sheares to PGP, then a lift trip up a few storeys.. haha..
And recently chiew passed me a contact for a new tuition kid, a p5 student in lavender who's actually pretty nice to teach..
yep.. so far tt's it... just back from FF supper.. ate 腰子面线, then proceeded for prata.. we are so crazy.. n got so bloated on the way back.. ok, as usual, will try to blog more!
and for you guys interested in seeing photos of me you can go to
tp's blog
to see a lot of photos, since she updates and posts photos regularly.. ok tt's all! ta
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