just went to donate blood yesterday.. heh so long since I went.. after making paper flowers till 6am.. waking up at 9 to goto MPSH4 was kinda hard..
haha so went late at 10:30AM.. oh btw before I forget, do check out
http://www.sheares.nus.edu.sg/swoc0708 as SWOC is selling flowers for Vday, those of you who might want a bouquet or two just let me know k?
Anyway, donation went as per normal, and thanks to Bingting's curiosity, I learnt smth new, that the dripping of the drop of blood into the blue solution (i suspect copper sulphate) is to check whether your blood has sufficient iron. Woohoo. Bet many of you didn't know that.
Since it was her first time donating, AFTER finally crossing that 45kg weight requirement, it was fun disturbing her lol.. but it backfired and instead the nurse thought I was terrified of the needle and tried to assure me instead.. ZZZ
The girl beside us suddenly gave a sneeze/cough and fainted. It was pretty cool, like, "ah choo!" then faint. The nurses rushed over and tilted her to send all the blood in the head. They got quite worried though.
Check out the cool green arm bandage:
ok, was bored so played with two things.. Mii and Meez.. check it out.. Mii is on my msn display pic heh.
You can actually model a 3D model of yourself, and then animate it.. quite cool, though not many different face features to choose from, so might end up looking the same.. and you can't change hair colour..
ok, this is not gonna be in any chronological order, just random occurrences from the very fragmented mind of mine. but still, I hope to update those friends of mine out there whom I've not met for such a looonngg time.. cheers!
Porridge!This I gotta blog haha.. after not sleeping for one whole night yesterday (thur), I managed to make it for the 8am lecture on Friday, and instead of Bingting reserving a seat for me, I reserved one for her cuz she was late.. *proud*
Anyway we were going to have lunch at 12pm after our lesson/lab.. but because of the stupid spoilt milk I drank a whole bowl of with Koko Krunch on Wednesday, my stomach was going haywire the whole time.. So I told her I had to pang seh her and went straight back to hall and fell asleep promptly.
At bout 3pm, I was awoken by a rustling sound.. and saw Bingting in the midst of leaving a bowl of porridge on my table.. In my dreamy state I remember her mentioning she didn't want to wake me up.. Awwww that was seriously very sweet.. I was pretty touched by this gesture.. =) ok, I mean if you overlook my weakness for food..
Check out the yummy porridge:
Me = PresentIt was Michelle's 21st birthday!! Haha the bunch of us have really come a long way, considering that we've known each other since she was what, 13 years old? Ahh... those were the days.. brings back such nice memories.
Anyway, just for her, I agreed to be her present.. haha with a red ribbon wrapped around my neck to be presented to her.. Got smth from La Senza for her too, courtesy of chiew.
Me present:

While counting down for Miche in her room, she asked the whole room if they wanted to see what I drew for her long ago.. I was pretty embarrassed but they looked anyway.. Then she took out this box with "Private and Confidential" written on it, and took out a letter I wrote for her that time.. I took a peek, almost died, and told her to banish it back into the black abyss that it came from.. hahaha..
It was pretty amusing too though, to see what you did last time just to woo your crush.. *grin*
SP SetsHere they are! some photos from Sheares Production Sets, just as I promised..

Included are the
Buangsters, me, Mingjie and Yenbin.. haha posing in our half-done wardrobe frame.. check out the detailing I made on the wardrobe too! =) A shot on the whole set also, without some of the details etc.. And also, the bar which me and Mingjie made painstakingly..
ok then, that's all for now, will post more often!
sorry people!!
havent gotten my lazy ass to blog in such a loooonnnngggg time..
i got a few pics of my sheares production set, but have yet to get them from my phone to the laptop yet.. will do so asap =)
Btw, life's been pretty much the same these few weeks, going to sch, doing website, cheer for IHG (inter hall games), do more website, and planning for the upcoming Valentine's Day sales in Sheares Hall, brought to you by SWOC.
So, if there're any of you out there planning to buy bouquets for V-day do pls remember me haha.. we sell them at really cheap prices, as compared to the market rate. Let love fill the air!
though I'm most probably gonna spend V-day with the other 11 SWOC comm members heh.
ok, that's all for now, and may I get more sleep. =)