Thursday, December 28, 2006
the inevitable
my instincts have proved right..
what I've expected has happened..
and it hurts.
^^^ [e] ^^^ slimed this at 2:02 AM
Sunday, December 17, 2006
My own image consultant
haha.. my sis and cousin, both in sec3, have volunteered to be my image consultants, or rather have me like a life-sized Ken doll.
So as of now, my hair belongs to my sis, which I'm supposed to keep longer, till she drags me to the hairstylist to get it to the way she wants.
My wardrobe will be entirely under her charge, where she'll choose/buy clothes for me and then claim from my mum.. which, my mum gladly agreed, knowing the state of my wardrobe. And I really don't mind this at all.. haha lazy to shop.
Their goal is apparently this Xiah Junsu guy from Korea for the hair, and there are other names which I really can't remember.
Oh btw, I watched a late "The Holiday" movie last night.. it was sweet and nice, a romantic x-mas'y show.. But I didn't feel that it topped "Love Actually".. but still money and time pretty well spent =) ahh.. what a hopeless romantic.
will blog more when more things happen in my life haha.. now off to a relaxing screening of LOTR right here in my room.
^^^ [e] ^^^ slimed this at 9:39 PM
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
screw it
seriously. screw all that constrains, all that restricts.
for once the flood gates opened.
just this once.
(i'd have just said f**k it but didn't wanna worry pple)
^^^ [e] ^^^ slimed this at 5:07 PM
Sunday, December 03, 2006
wow.(slight spoilers to casino royale ahead. please ignore this post if you've not seen the show. you've been warned)
james bond. casino royale. sizzling babes. witty lines. fast action.
Unlike recent James Bond movies with its uber cars and weapons and futuristic gizmos, this movie was based mainly just on Bond himself. No frills. Raw talent and with the unpolished touch to it, the young Bond. IMO, less thinking, more bloodthirst.
Show started off well with a Jackie-Chansque chase scene, with amazing and yet not-impossible stunts and moves. Fear Factor style.
This show, has retained of course, how Bond can effortlessly charm the pants/skirt/clothes/lingerie off the women just by looking at them. Now this meta-human power, I would like to believe is purely fictional in this reality of ours.
So I was expecting more typical Bondness to come.
I mean, after watching that Aston Martin DBS make that small bend in the hills blazing after Le Cliffe, I was expecting missiles or at least a small auto-aiming machine gun or something.
But no... 3 seconds later the car was totally liquidated, and Bond captured. Smart move by the villian. *clap clap* AND did you know that the car stunt received a Guiness Record for the most number of cannon rolls with an air cannon. 7 times. No wonder I thought the car rolled pretty magnificently. haha.

And according to Ben, the show is medically accurate.
Watching Bond -falling in love- and getting all mushy WAS -discomforting- but thank goodness the babe left the scene and we got Bond back.
We now know the origins of his drink, and perhaps the very first time he said his signature greeting.
Loved the classic ending.. hahaha.. true to the spirit of Bond.
"My name is Bond, James Bond."
random quotes:
Babe(vespar): "..I feel as if I am reborned.."
Bond: "..then why aren't you naked in front of me?"
Bartender: "Shaken or stirred?"
Bond: "Does it look like I give a damn?"
Now now, anyone interested for a game of Texas Holdem with 10cent 20cent chips? =)
^^^ [e] ^^^ slimed this at 1:21 AM
wow.(slight spoilers to casino royale ahead. please ignore this post if you've not seen the show. you've been warned)
james bond. casino royale. sizzling babes. witty lines. fast action.
Unlike recent James Bond movies with its uber cars and weapons and futuristic gizmos, this movie was based mainly just on Bond himself. No frills. Raw talent and with the unpolished touch to it, the young Bond. IMO, less thinking, more bloodthirst.
Show started off well with a Jackie-Chansque chase scene, with amazing and yet not-impossible stunts and moves. Fear Factor style.
This show, has reserved of course, how Bond can effortlessly charm the pants/skirt/clothes/lingerie off the women just by looking at them. Now this meta-human power, I would like to believe is purely fictional in this reality of ours.
So I was expecting more typical Bondness to come.
I mean, after watching that Aston Martin DBS make that small bend in the hills blazing after Le Cliffe, I was expecting missiles or at least a small auto-aiming machine gun or something.
But no... 3 seconds later the car was totally liquidated, and Bond captured. Smart move by the villian. *clap clap* AND did you know that the car stunt received a Guiness Record for the most number of cannon rolls with an air cannon. 7 times. No wonder I thought the car rolled pretty magnificently. haha.
And according to Ben, the show is medically accurate.
Watching Bond -falling in love- and getting all mushy WAS -discomforting- but thank goodness the babe left the scene and we got Bond back.
We now know the origins of his drink, and perhaps the very first time he said his signature greeting.
Loved the classic ending.. hahaha.. true to the spirit of Bond.
"My name is Bond, James Bond."
random quotes:
Babe(vespar): "..I feel as if I am reborned.."
Bond: "..then why aren't you naked in front of me?"
Bartender: "Shaken or stirred?"
Bond: "Does it look like I give a damn?"
Now now, anyone interested for a game of Texas Holdem with 10cent 20cent chips? =)
^^^ [e] ^^^ slimed this at 1:21 AM
Saturday, December 02, 2006
One more to Go
yay just finished CS1101C.. dumb move to spend just a little too much time on MCQ.. didnt have sufficient time to finish last part..
Anyway.. one more to go on Tuesday.. what a long way to go still.. Just bought a copy of local mag Game/Gearaxis for 5 bucks.. compared to the $10.50 of PC Gamer and $24.50 of PC Gamer UK version w DVD of demos.
Planning to check out some new games to entertain myself with.
Casino Royale at 10 at vivo with the FF, and then it'll be full steam ahead with MLE..
^^^ [e] ^^^ slimed this at 5:06 PM