Wednesday, November 29, 2006
i was wrong
Mental preparations of all kinds,
Stand no chance as I find.
My resolution of weeks before,
Crumbles to bits at your door.
Now its too late to regret,
The past follies that I've had.
The very thing of imperfection,
is what stops me from perfection.
^^^ [e] ^^^ slimed this at 2:51 PM
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
perfect imperfect imperfect perfect
quote from chiew's blog:
"anyway i read a post from a friend's blog about a sermon made during a wedding he attended. the gist of it all was that you never do marry the perfect spouse, for there is no such thing as a perfect man/woman, but who you do (hopefully) marry is the spouse perfect for you."how interesting I've found the perfect partner, but imperfect for me.
having met the perfect imperfect, will I find my imperfect perfect?
^^^ [e] ^^^ slimed this at 2:47 PM
Heh Ben, seems like years in Medicine has dulled your acumen in Physics.. Watt(W) is used to measure power, not current. Ampere(A) is used for current. Haha.. damn I'm drowning in EG1108, Electrical Engineering... But yep.. exact same sentiments on "The Prestige".
And rosh, don't think a romantic soppy movie's for me right now haha..
And also, congrats to my mum in singapore who passed her driving.. woot!
Never have I utilised my brain so much before.. There's a reason why this particular blog is called "edward's few and rare thoughts".
But in the past week, I've been pondering over so many matters, and even actually thinking into the future.. now whatever happened to my happy-go-lucky contented self..
Of course there's still the emotional dilemma I'm in, which I have absolutely what to do about.
Maybe I really should go far away from here and everything, to an entirely whole new place.. For a while, new people, different experiences, unfamiliar sights. And then come back.
I'm rotting from the inside here at the moment.. Eating through the hours of the clock like a zombie who just happens to be breathing.
Need that silver bullet through my brains.
Or that lady's kiss to revive this dead heart.
^^^ [e] ^^^ slimed this at 1:45 PM
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Sheares Librarian
inverted bio-clock
numbed brain
nocturnal fully
loves moon hates sun
fused with laptop
ears grew headphones
high on msn
allergic to notes
highly creative mood.
^^^ [e] ^^^ slimed this at 3:09 AM
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Bands of Heart Rubber
Like Prometheus tied on a rock with an eagle-ravaged liver,
Bands of hard rubber bind my heart, grasping every sliver.
Long have I endured this Sorrow's pain,
Wonder if I can still barely stay sane.
"No... no... I can't carry on!" my hurt insides screamed maniacally.
"Run, run far, far away," my weaker self coaxed insidiously.
For days and days I've ran so hard,
For days and days I've ran so far.
Each step taken tightens the vice-like grip of those rubber bands,
Each tightening numbs my heart and lessens the pain from Sorrow's land.
But on every night, like this lonely one,
I'll slip and fall, and all my work's undone.
The rubber jerks me back by the heart mercilessly,
Taut turns to slack, letting blood out torrentially.
Waking up in the morning drenched in last night's blood,
Both feet half-entrenched back in Sorrow's mud.
Just as Prometheus regrows a liver for the eagle to rip out each dawn,
The bands pull me back to where I started from, no matter how far I've gone.
Will I ever break those bands?
^^^ [e] ^^^ slimed this at 6:40 AM
Monday, November 13, 2006
"Dim Sum Adventures: The Prestige Edition"
plus: delete scenes of "11th Nov, Father's Birthday" and "The Break Up"
cool cold saturday afternoon, perfect day for lazing around and studying. (contradictory huh?)
Mum called at about 2:30pm to inform me to get my ass down to Hougang Mall at 5:30pm for dinner to celebrate my Dad's birthday.
Reached at 5:45, had dinner at this chinese restaurant and had lotsa food, including pretty nice xiaolongbao, lamian and my fav Szechuan sour & spicy soup.
We even had a cake and candles.. hahaha.. my dad's 52 now.. the last time i remembered he was like 45.. time flies. Sang song, cut cake, ate cake. Then we walked around for a bit in HG mall and I left for hall.

Got back, rested a bit then went off with Yingying for our long agreed upon MM (Mahjong Movie). History: We were spending her mahjong winnings of obscene amounts. Anyway, for the whole night, the MCP in me was screaming away, threatening to stab myself in the neck. Haha, firstly, she rode a bike there with me on it. Then my expenses were all paid for. But due to the darn jam along Orchard road and me being too heavy to balance, the bike stalled twice and nearly fell over thrice haha.
We watched "The Prestige", which I must say is truly satisfying, after crap movies like "The Possessed". Christian Bale and Hugh Jackman are a great pair, not to mention of cuz my sweet Scarlet in a tiny corset.
But what bugged me about the show was the sci-fi/magic element of it, the one with Nik Tesla building a true cloning device. They should've made it all non sci-fi or mystical.
After the movie, we zoomed down for a quick Rochor Tau Hway, where I had to pull the bike back up the downslope whilst parking. Nice smooth tauhway for supper. *yum*
Went back to hall, studied a bit, lazed a bit, she did a bit of essay, then came down and we watched the final episode of "Amazing Race", where people started coming back at 5+am and gave us weird looks from the linkway lol. And she finished one whole box of my Poiful jellybeans by herself.. =P
Morning came, then hunger hit too. We were so damn hungry and wanted dimsum badly. So once again it was zoom zoom down to Holland V for breakfast at 7am. Haha we were the first customers at Crystal Jade and look at what we ordered.. The auntie was quite worried we over-ordered.. but what she doesn't know is Yingying: "She Who Solo-ed One KFC Buddy Meal".
For Her:
- 1 bowl Plain congee
- 1 'long' Ha Gao
- 1 plate Shrimp Chee Cheong Fun
- 1 cup Chinese Tea
For Him:
- 1 bowl Century egg congee
- 1 'long' Siew Mai
- 1 plate Char Siew Chee Cheong Fun
- 1 cup hot soya milk
For Us:
- 1 plate Pork ribs
- 1 plate Beancurd Skin thingie
Check out the yummy spread:

Then, photos of Yingying, which, incidentally are all of her having a spoon in her mouth. (The morning sun was right in my face. We shifted thereafter)

Over breakfast we decided to "breakup", agreeing that we're both bad influences for each other, and too much of a nocturnal pair. Over this week we've had breakfast 5-6 times, all punctually at 7am lol.. then sleeping only after breakfast. And now she calls me "fu4xin4ren2" a.k.a. 'heartless man'.
After the dimsum spread, which I generously paid for to soothe the MCP in me, we headed next door to Yakun for the customary 2 half-boiled eggs breakfast. Where she smartly dripped egg on her sweater whilst transferring egg yolks and whites. Look at my big plate of egg. *bliss*

Belly filled and satified, back to hall we went.. where a surprised tingping saw me at the busstop. Headed to library on a quiet sunday morning and studied for a while till afternoon, then slept a bit..
Thus the end of the weekend =)
^^^ [e] ^^^ slimed this at 7:02 PM
Saturday, November 11, 2006
.'.:.:.'. love the rain .'.:.:.'.
love the rain,
how it is slanting from the gusts,
tiny white specks racing to the ground.
all things outside the window come to a gentle stop,
noises muffled by the pattering of the rain.
love the rain,
the occasional low rumble of thunder,
the random dripping off my window sill.
Warm, stagnant air washed clean,
Reborn as cool refreshing breezes.
love the cold,
love the serenity,
love the peace,
love the rain.
powered by performancing firefox
^^^ [e] ^^^ slimed this at 3:29 PM
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Sheares Tandem Night Cyclink
Woohoo.. night cycling for the first time using tandem bikes.. organised by Sheares Link, a committee dealing with alumni.
Haven't blogged in awhile due to many stuffs.. thus here it is!
As expected, quite a lot of the tandem pairings were guy/girl, and a total of i think 80 couples went =) Supposed to leave at 1045 that day though.. but due to some screw up we left at close to 1220.
And ta-dah! my partner for the night was blub.. hehe benjy can't cycle so I have a chance to T-loan his girlfriend for the next 10hrs haha.. K la we were looking forward to the cycling since we've hadn't chatted in quite a while.
So, here we go! First comes the selection of the bike who'll be supporting our asses for the next 10hrs. The final winner of our stringent selection was a bike with a baby seat to place our helmets and drinks etc etc. And here we go for a test run! Managed to go for like 5m before wobbling to a stop.
Bad start. Tried again by going upslope, which was even worse because even though I changed the gear all the way it was still too damn hard to pedal up, not to mention balancing it.
Of cuz, Blub became pretty worried.. haha but encouraging though.
But after going down the slope fully, we were all set and well.. haha it was quite fun, with me pedalling and Blub behind entertaining me by singing. Chatting proved to be quite hard cuz I need to turn back to speak to her else she can't hear a thing. Speeding down the roads and slopes were pretty fun though.. and she would stand on the pedals and enjoy the breeze.
(now, figure out what's wrong with the prev sentence.)We went to Labrador park, had a break, took some photos, did a small night walk in groups of 15.. zzz then off we went to Esplanade for another photo taking, but there were quite a few nice downslopes to speed down. Wendy suggested we take a night scene photo with his camera.. and we did.. haha but Blub commented we looked wrong in the photo. Like a couple in a tour group to HK and even wearing the same shirt given by the tour group lol.

Along the way, Cheryl from a neighbouring bike with Aloysius commented that her butt hurt.. and Blub helpfully told her that she could stand on the pedals for a moment to relax the butt.
Guess what? Cheryl can't because for their bike the pedals are in-sync.. so Cheryl's pedal will continue moving on its own as long as Aloy's pedalling. In fact, Blub was the only person I knew who could do that.. because our bike's pedals aren't linked. OMG. Now that explains why going upslope was horrendous. So its either I'm pulling both of us up, or Blub is pulling us up at any one time. No wonder when going upslope everyone's breezing past us while we were pedalling like dogs.
Reached Geylang, had dim sum for supper.. shiok shiok, then backtracked a bit to Indoor stadium for yet another phototaking and long break and wait.. while teckwee pretended to be an Energizer battery by bouncing all over and getting all high. Final stretch to ECP, last journey was pretty relaxing, and we returned our bikes, had breakfast at macs, I was drenched, took chartered bus back to hall.

Showered at hall, so sleepy i slept for 15mins while waiting for Cheryl, then dragged my dead body along with my laundry and the two parrots into a cab. Got home. Ate a bit. Slept for 7hrs.
That's the end! And here I am now webcasting in central library on a thursday afternoon while its pouring outside. (my pants are half wet)
And check out my new msn pic done in the wee hrs of the night when i was so bored.
^^^ [e] ^^^ slimed this at 4:56 PM
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Fright Night + SWOC interview
ok been flooded with meetings, design sketches, interviews and more admin matters recently.. finally got time to sit down and blog a bit.
fright night just over, and it was pretty spectacular.. managed to make Sheares hall look like an entirely different place. Kudos to the guys in charge of the mirror area and seminar room =)
Glad that everyone had fun, though it was a lot of extra work =P
Last night was SWOC interview, went through a whole bunch of interested applicants till pretty late.. and we SWOC had our own silly ol' fun too hahaha.. ended with my virgin Indonmee mee goreng supper with Weising, Huijing and Gilyn, which caused a whole bunch of controversy..
*sigh* never have daughters I tell you..
Also, I'm so glad for the rain the past days..
-love the rain- It darkens the sky, gives the air a refreshing scent, quietens the surroundings, slows the pace of people, and just sets me in such a romantic mood, even for my books =) and in local context it brings down PSI and fills up the pond for me.
but I think weising and tingping + moses would beg to differ after getting trapped in the rain hehe.
Anyway as Benjamin Franklin says,
"in this world, nothing is certain except for death and taxes.."
For the average Singaporean,
"In this country, nothing is certain except for death and taxes.. and that horrible haze.."
^^^ [e] ^^^ slimed this at 1:15 PM