Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Found Bag and Ghostly Legs
this was pretty weird so i decided to blog it down =)
ok here's the brief background. My blk, Block B has been roped in to collaborate with neighbour Block A to organise a fright night for the whole of Sheares hall for Halloween on the 31st of Oct.
Sean from Blk A and I were tasked with the station located in Blk B Lounge (where I lost my bag) After brainstorming, we decided to go with a TV's theme. Meaning, it'll be totally dark, with no "ghosts" and only 3 separate TVs in the lounge. When you first enter the door, you will see a TV right in front of you, as shown in the photo below with self-drawn illustrations =)

There's a digicam on top of TV1, connected directly to it, to show a live feed on the TV screen. The objective is to let the participants see themselves coming in on the TV.

TV2 is a wall mounted TV, with just jumping static showing on the screen.
TV3 is the main highlight, located just before the exit. It will show a clip (DVD player) of someone crawling out from behind the fridge, towards the TV3. It was self filmed and Sean was the "ghost" haha.. Half way through the clip, a bloody female face will suddenly be splashed on the TV, accompanied with a loud blood curdling scream, piercing through the otherwise dead-silent lounge.
Then, the participants will leave through the door and see someone hiding under the table just beside the door.
So basically that's the idea for fright night.
Sunday nightHowever, during the blk comm meeting after the rehearsal where the 2 Block heads and 2 vices went through the trail themselves...
It was our turn (Sean and I) to present our lounge idea again to the comm. Then Benjy, Blk A's head, commented that the video recording for TV1 was a great idea. We were puzzled. We then explained that TV1 was based entirely just on a digicam and it was a
live feed. We even showed them.
At this point Benjy and his vice, Yilian looked disturbed. Then Yilian said, "Erm.. but then how come we saw another pair of legs on the TV when we came in sitting on that table?" Benjy then said he saw the legs too. Blubber and Seah, from Blk B, who came in with them asked if it was their legs they saw, cuz they came in together. But Benjy and yilian was pretty sure it was't, cuz the legs was clearly of someone sitting, and it was off the ground. (see pic)
That was the reason why they naturally assumed it was a video recording. And since it was dark, and due to the angle of the camera, only the legs were shown. But it was clear no one was there or they'd have seen him/her beside them.

From the above photo, it is approx. what you see on TV1 when you first step in. The legs on the left represent your legs when you open the door. The legs on the right was what they saw.
The blk comms couldn't figure out what might have happened, and we hastily decided to drop the subject and move on.
The next day (Monday)Late that night, when I entered the lounge, where a group of people was playing mahjong, Yingying came up to me, my WANTED poster in one hand, and the all-too-familiar olive green crumpler in another. I was darn happy to see it, and immediately asked how she found it. She said she was just trying to pull out the IKEA stool from under the table to sit, and hey! the bag was stuffed right behind the stool under the table.
which I was pretty sure I checked, and during the fright night moving of furniture I must've seen it. Oh well, maybe someone did stuff it there. But who would do such a thing? Btw everything was in there as it was when it went missing. Even if it was a prank, a 1 week long absence of my bag was not funny at all.
On Sunday night, Sean lost the webcam he left in the lounge too.
Another note of coincidence:
The bag was found stuffed right under where the ghostly legs appeared.
^^^ [e] ^^^ slimed this at 10:41 AM
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Lost my Bag
Crappiest thing to happen in hall so far.
Lost my entire crumpler bag. sucks. sianz. pissed off.
house keys, calculator, driving booklet.
bag that stef gave me for birthday present.
^^^ [e] ^^^ slimed this at 12:07 PM
Friday, October 20, 2006
Work Time
time to work..
right now there's:
1) SP sets design sketch
2) SWOC Recruitment publicity
3) Fright Night prep
4) IT Team Sheares website Smartyengine read up
5) Chem project report
^^^ [e] ^^^ slimed this at 10:31 AM
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Pig Mother Wyr passed away...
sad.. just got news from home that the mother of the 3 babies passed away this morning...
sigh.. I know guinea pigs might die from birthing difficulties, but its been almost a week since birth! what happened man.. zzz still haven't figured out what's the cause of death. Can't go home either because I'm having an EG midterm on thurs.
sadanyway was about to blog about how the 2 blue furballs refused to let me sleep in each morning by making such a din, till I get up and go wash up and go do my work. then, they shut up.
Not bad eh.. I've got two guardians living right on my shelf.
ok, under orders from my guardians I shall go study for EG now.
^^^ [e] ^^^ slimed this at 11:38 AM
SWOC vs Rag
Hrm.. I started off my hall days with 3 weeks of intense rag, very memorable and unforgettable experience.
Where I met so many fellow freshies and Shearites, and sweated and bled for that event we call rag. Since then have been wanting to join rag next year, with a bunch of fellow freshies.
But now came SWOC. A yr 1 only comm, which I'm interested in joining also, thus the dilemma of SWOC vs Rag.
After talking to numerous pple, and pondering over it, I stepped into the JCRC room and took up the interview, by Zaihao, Zhiqian and Wendy.
So SWOC it is, and my dear rag, 3 yrs more for you.
I also apologise to the people who'd had expected me to join rag this yr.. *sorry*
^^^ [e] ^^^ slimed this at 5:04 AM
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Ok, here're some photos of my little piggies back at home. The parents are both Texel mixes, thus explaning the long and wavy hair. Just that dad is grey+white with red eyes and mum is brown+white with black eyes.
They're currently small enough to fit into the centre of your palm, and running around and making "wheeking" noises non-stop.. and they're already nibbling on solid food since day one.. So they should be fine =)
The 3 of them tinies
The dad got separated heh.
The only one with a brown face
Piggy home
Two of the white ones
Running off to mum!
^^^ [e] ^^^ slimed this at 2:08 PM
Saturday, October 07, 2006
3 Guinea pig babies born on my 21st Bdae
Haha woke up early morning today, before my darnit chem test that got me studying from 8pm to 4am, then woke up at 830 to study till 11. Ended up being a 10min affair that I think almost everyone in the class will get full marks.
AND, my sis sms'ed me announcing the arrival of 3 baby guinea pigs from my very pregnant mother pig at home =) They were all born at around 11pm, 5th Oct =) so they all share my birthday. One is white with grey ears, one is black brown white mixed, the last one is brown white mixed.. hehe can't wait to see them. They're already scurrying around the place.
At about 10plus Emma, Ben and Stef dropped by my room and gave me my 21st bdae present from them.. haha.. a 14" mini TV!! woohoot.. my room is pimped once more. But sadly they got the wrong cable connection so I'll still have to wait till I get my appropriate adapter. Thanks a lot you guys.. =) very very happy with my present wahah.. but so sorry I couldnt entertain u all for long and go to Fong Seng with u all.. kinda had to study for my 2 papers tmr and already promised to help 2 friends with their programming questions tonight.

Spanking new PRIMA TV
But nvm, we shall celebrate on sat instead hehe. And thanks to stef too for helping me fold my laundry.. WHICH, is usually folded promptly by myself and placed in the cupboard.
Studied again in lounge on and off till about 1 plus 2? Then since its Mid Autumn festival 2 hrs ago, and a bunch of them actually carried lanterns to West Coast, Szeyi Cheryl and I did not want to lose out and we made 15
tang yuans for us and edmund and alvin. Hahaha Cheryl brought teat and 1/2 a mooncake too. Not a bad way to spend MAF in lounge just chatting and eating.. heh.

The leftover pot of tang yuans

Cheryl looking sianz as usual

me covered in stinky cake from bdae the day b4
^^^ [e] ^^^ slimed this at 5:18 AM
Friday, October 06, 2006
Last Moments of my Birthday
Spent the day mugging MLE, which ended at 7 just now and could do all questions, but with a few careless mistakes.. but it's ok.. as long as I know how to do them.
20mins till the end of 5th October, which past relatively uneventful, mainly cuz I've been busy trying to study.
Another chem quiz tmr at 12pm, which should, be manageable. Going to wake up early to prepare some more before going for it.
Yep.. met stef just now after the MLE test too.. chatted a bit, then we went back to our group of friends and left for hall.
Just remembered a conversation between Jesse and Celine in the show,
"Before Sunrise".
And Jesse said,
"... You know -- you know what's the worst thing about somebody breaking up with you? It's when you remember how little you thought about the people you broke up with, and you realize that that is how little they're thinking about you, you know.
You know, you'd like to think that you're both in all this pain, but really, they're just, Hey, I'm glad you're gone."and my birthday's over. by now.
^^^ [e] ^^^ slimed this at 12:09 AM
Thursday, October 05, 2006
My 21st =)
its 2.5hrs into my first 21 yr old day, and I'm finally nice and clean.
Wanted to post with photos, but they're with ritchell and I think she's sleeping alr so shall post tmr.
Today start with waking up to a lunch provided by the lovely "mum of the kids" and preparing my materials for EG Lab. Its freaking 37 pages long and there was supposed to be preparations to be done beforehand. My thoughts: "CHUI." But it was at 2 o'clock, so after enlightening Weising on some C questions I went off to lab.
The TA was darn good. He explained Thevenin and Theory of Superposition again, simplified the circuits for us and even showed us the faster way to do the calculations. Then came the breadboarding part of the components, where my dabbling in B.E.A.M. robots helped in my familiarity with the board and connections. Finished the lab pretty fast about 40mins earlier than most, and ended up helping my classmates with the lab.
Woot first time I got to know my classmates after so long.. been such a phantom. So I must say today was a fruitful and happy lab day, since I got back my previous lab and I think I did well for it. And today's lab was do-able and simple. Other than that, I managed to grasp Thevenin and Superposition in one session.
Went back to hall, after collecting my first present of the day, Kelloggs' Frosties and Marshmallows from chiew at E1, with a nice note/card.
Went to Harbourfront with Szeyi for Sakae Sushi, where later we bought a cake (hint hint).
Got back, rested a bit, then went for night training witht he hockey pple. Got back at 1050. nua'ed and didn't bathed till 1150, under advice from Cheryl. At 1150 Gerlynn imprisoned me in my room. So I kinda expected a surprise gathering at my door.. but noo... no one was there.. only Blub was there to ask me to go to block A with her to talk to benjy.
AND there was a big bunch of pple gathering already at lvl 5 with a cake. I walked to the lift.. and saw Cheryl holding the cake it was so weird lol.
So in the end, let's fastforward all the awkward walking about and trying-to-surprise-but-its-out-in-open things, Cheryl adn Ritchell jsut shouted for me to go cut the damn cake haha. I stood in the middle, and sang a song. Mid song, a cake landed on my face with a resounding
"PIAK!!" Some went into my mouth, and it tasted salty. Worse, it smelled damn bad. Siaoz liaoz.
ORIGINS OF STINKY THE CAKEPlace of Birth: Breadtalk
Date of Birth: 3 weeks ago since Kanghao's bdae
Nationality: Berry Blueberry
Favourite pasttime: Fermenting old cream
Special interests: Peanut butter + choc, oyster sauce, + many other condiments from kitchen
Final destination: Edward's face and mouth.
AHHH.. but its ok, we continued to cut my actualy cake, with a choc cup filled with fresh cream. Yep, you guessed it.. cheryl just had to start the Armaggeddon in lounge by attempting to smash me with the cream. This follows:
Xq allied with Cheryl by trying to pull off a sneak attack.
Me fend off attack, tries to counter on Cheryl.
Edmund takes opportunity to ambush Xqing, obliterating her right cheek.
Edward suffers collateral damage with 5 spots on face.
Edward corners Weising and throws a long one onto her hair. Head Shot.
Cheryl escapes from scene, leaving a bunch of screaming girls. (ie Tingping, Szeyi, ritchell)
Me draws several satisfying screamsFrom TP, the main mastermind.
Edmund valiantly tussled with Xqing.
Edward spares TP's face and destroyed her right arm.
Edmund chases out to the lift, mass nuking Szeyi, Ritchell and Weising.
Damage: Edmund, 80%. Edward, 75%. Xiaoqing, 50%. Weising, 25%. Tingping, 20%. Ritchell, 10%. Szeyi, 10%.
Showered for darn long to get the foul smelling cake off my face. And peanut butter is a pain to get rid off. But alas, I'm clean again. Sat in my room, and Nic + ritchell treated me to a nice porridge =)
Weising came and asked me up to pris' room for smth.. woohoot what will it be??
Wahaha so nice!! it was a powerpoint video/presentation of: 1. A gazillion photos of Weising and Pris, 2. Never-to-be-seen shots of me, 3. Very nice family photos, 4. The story of Weising and Me.. haha it was not bad too! haha 5. More shots of Weising and Pris from 10 to 1. Ask me if you're interested. 6. And many other sweet stuff and pictures.
Haha what a nice present.. my first ever such present.. woohoot thanks to Weising and Pris =)
Happy and contented now, my bdae went not bad.. and couple of hrs ago I wished my mum happy bdae too.. her's on 3rd Oct.
And thanks to Cheryl too, for the very simple but sweet note and gift.. *smile* don't worry, I won't lose the heart.
midterms ahoy!
^^^ [e] ^^^ slimed this at 3:04 AM
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
A Day of Napping and Mugging
Ok, spent a couple of hrs zoning between MLE and napping in the lounge. The naps were good though.. recharged me sufficiently.
6pm was an early full dinner with the royal family w pet and all, and BAH I had water splashed all over my face when I stuck my head out the 4th floor linkway and was dumb enough to look up when Tingping let loose her bottle of water.
A nice refreshing splash, and I admit it was a good one haha.. as she mentioned, a father must be able to take all the kids' childish nonsesne wahaha..
Resumed mugging in lounge, till bout 9, went for short IT Team meeting, (yes i have embraced my geekness fully, and i think there'll be girls who finds it hot.. lol php mySQL programming here i come) then resumed mugging, then at 10 watched this warm fuzzy grandfather/rebellious grandson happy ending show on channel 5, then resumed mugging, then watched criminal minds on and off, then resumed mugging till bout 2am.
Decided to reward myself with some enjoyable stuff, by doing my computing lab.. hehe.. its really therapeutic and fun.. trust me. Just finished and submitted it, thus blogging now before taking a quick shower then proceed to sleep.
Another day of mugging tmr, wish me the greatest clarity of mind =)
^^^ [e] ^^^ slimed this at 2:44 AM
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Wonderful Week Waiting
Wooohoot.. mugging for MLE1101 now.. midterms for it on Thursday, Chem quiz on Friday, computing and physics on Saturday =) sweet.
All this studying has helped keep my mind occupied, though those feelings still sometimes flood my heart as though it was perforated with a million tiny holes. Slowly but surely.
Read Gerlynn's blog and found a very apt quote:
"pierce a thousand holes in my heart, let the pain seep out with the blood." So does the pain stop along with your death, or is it just cuz the pain of your heart being pierced distracts you from the actual hurt?
^^^ [e] ^^^ slimed this at 1:35 PM
Monday, October 02, 2006
haha just back from MA1505 Midterms.. ok, did 6 qns and 1 careless.. quite bad.. but people around me seems to be doing 3-4 qns too.. but can't compare.. cuz def. there'll be people getting 12/12.
^^^ [e] ^^^ slimed this at 9:00 PM
Mid Term Break Ending
Hrm, in summary, yet another timeline haha.. I think it keeps things clear.. yet another week. And my blog is catching up with my real life woot.
MondayHockey training! from 940 to 12pm in the MPSH. It was fun, with the mini games by Samuel, though it was blardy crammed and stuffy in the MPSH. Definitely not built for sporting unless the aircon is on.
Rushed back to room, showered, and luckily I had my booklet in my bag. So I had a bit of time to vacuum and mop my floor and do some cleaning, then rush a fast lunch and head to SSDC for my driving.
Driving was stoned. Finished it then went home for dinner then tuition. BUT kid had extra lessons and the tuition was cancelled. So instead, I went back to hall to stay and attempt to mug.
Did grocery shopping with Cheryl at Sheng Siong, happy with my load of food =) to last me thru the break.
TuesdayYay brought the two blue babies, Titan and friend (name coming up soon!) to hall, residing happily in the shelf that amazingly fits the cage nicely. Packed up and tidied my study materials, and spent the day in hall.
WednesdayHockey training from 940 to 1230 at SRC this time, which made for sense. Did basic drills and dribbling and monkey game and had a little game.
Once again, its rush to SSDC for driving, go home for dinner, reward myself at home with Toonami and Cartoon Network till 830 before I went down for tuition.
Finished tuition at 10, then met Cheryl at 1045 and went back to hall.
ThursdayWoke up, brought the babies out to rooftop to get some sun and run around, while I went through maths.
In the evening, Cheryl, Sandra, Szeyi, Ruoling and I went down to Clarke Quay Settlers for dinner and games, but it was full cuz the lower floor was being renovated.
Detoured to Holland V's Settlers. Played the ultimate cock bluffing game, Balderdash, where I proved I'm the biggest cockster. Tried Blokus too, and Szeyi bought the Blokus duo before we left.
Went back, rested and played some Blokus haha.
FridayHockey training at SRC from 930 to 12, Edmund hit his upper lip against Kim Seng and it swelled, we played more mini games and then a match.
Same old thing, rushed to SSDC, went home for dinner, Justice League Unlimited, Superman, Teen Titans, Static Shock marathon on Toonami Cartoon network. I never knew Static Shock could be so cool too.. this episode he went to the future and worked with Terry from "Batman of the Future" and the old Bruce Wayne. Mixture of characters from diff. animated series are always a nice change.
Then its tuition from 830 to 10. Went back to hall after that, chatted with stef in her room for awhile. Got back, settled down and slept.
SaturdayWoke up at 12 with a wake up call from Titan, changed their food + water then washed up. It was a very rainy, and overcast day, from morning to night.
Most would find it the best conditions for napping and sleeping.. but on the contrary, it was the best studying conditions for me. I sat down, and blazed through 5 webcast lectures and revised the chapters, and in between for breaks I managed to:
- Do my 1 week's worth of laundry
- Washed my bedsheet, pillowcases, quilt cover
- Tidy all the stuff neatly
- Reorganised my shelves
- Moved my drawer under the table for space
- Vacuumed, swept, mopped the floor
- Wiped down al the surfaces with a wet cloth
- Cleared up old food
What a fruitful day. At night I treated myself to a channel 8 old show, "God of Gamblers 2". And thanks to Cheekoon I had Fongseng prata for dinner, though disappointed that my msn nick:
"starving in hall. I'll marry any girl who turns up with food now at my door.. being naked will be a bonus." didnt exactly work. Sab offered me her cha soba and shrimp wanton, Szeyi wanted to send a old grandma to me.
Tried honeydew milk from lvl 6 fridge with my kellogs frosties. YUCK. ack. die. After 50% was gone, I decided I shant torture myself and went down to find Jeyee for some proper Meiji milk. Disposed of that toxic waste and remade another full bowl of frosties to pacify myself of the previous tormentous experience. Ate it all for supper, and I forgot how great frosties were. Thanks to Jyi for the reccomendation =)
Watched another dumb gambling show, played some Text twist and slept with a high score of
SundayWoke at 1pm, and thanks to edmund, I had Sausage Mcmuffin Meal with Iced Milo for lunch.. haha gd call by him to get the milo. Finished some Taylotr series, then chatted with May + Tingping + Xqing for awhile.
Went out with May to Harbourfront to get dinner and a bit of groceries. Had a quick Yoshinoya, bought fish beehoon for Xqing, milk+cheese+apple aloe vera for myself.
Went back and at 10pm met blub in my room for the Tshirt design. 11pm had a short block comm meeting. 12plus Szeyi and Ying
2 came down and we had a blokus duo showdown. I had the worst thrashing ever in the history of this Blokus Duo, with a score of -47 at the hands of Ying
2. -sigh- But I'm getting better, with my best score at -7 right now.
Went to shower, drank Red Bull, chatted a bit on msn, and blogged this entry. Haha at this point my blog has caught up with RL. Gonna go through math now after publishing this.
Keep an eye on this blog for the female baby's name =)
until next time.. (ok I shall attempt to add in the archives section)
^^^ [e] ^^^ slimed this at 3:25 AM