Sunday, March 26, 2006
NEL's 21st Bdae Chalet
woo.. just came home from NEL's Bdae chalet.. dead dead tired.
Went there yesterday at about 7pm.. hauling all my board games there in a cab.. which purpose was totally smashed by the introduction of vodka. Booooo
Anyway we had food, chatting, cake smashing, sea dunking and water bottle drenching on all 3 of our dear birthday NEL. Clearing up was pretty fast, and we all took turns to shower off the cake and grime.
The place was bloody warm and cramped. It was so warm! I was getting very restless, moving from palce to place to cool down.. and the room was a cosy OVEN! Ended up playing drinking games with the alcohol we had. Rosh had to be the winner of the night.. getting high by getting the last King card and "aH-ing" spectacularly at 007. Not to mention when her prayers were answered with that 2 of diamonds card which entitled her to the final last shots of vodka in the bottle.
From then on a failed attempt to play board games happened, and my commentary on the night will have to end due to the fact that i fell asleep. (The effect of killing waves of zombies thru the night with emma finally hit me) But some of the rest continued onto 0 IQ conversations, plants porn, elephants and ants and a certain ant desert somewhere.
And how emma's son gonna be Ali Baba Tng Longlong, and Aaliyah if its a girl. Pearl/Max's kid will have the English name Poh, Chinese name To. So it'll end up being Poh Tay To, or a certain kind of starchy underground tuber we're all so familiar with. Tan En, will also be known Tanen, conveniently transformed into a Scottish name with a Scottish accent thrown in.
Hrm.. while typing all this an idea came to my mind. Its pretty clumsy to refer to stef & ed, pearl/max or ben and laur. So I shall come up with a collective noun for each of them/us.
Pearl/Max becomes...
Pearx! (pronounced 'perks')
Stef and Slug becomes...
Sluff! (thinking of 'steffed' but not catchy)
Ben and Laur becomes...
Lauren! (pronounced 'laur-and' not law-ren)
p.s. I got called "Uncle" for the first time by a 3yr old. Not even past 21 yet. sigh.
^^^ [e] ^^^ slimed this at 4:19 PM
Thursday, March 23, 2006
edwards few and rare thoughts
hey check out what I've been up to in my bored free time.. A brand new desktop interface!
I am such a geek.

For those interested, here're what I used:
1) Photoshop + tablet for wallpaper
2) Blackbox for top bar and removal of desktop
3) RK Launcher for bottom dock
^^^ [e] ^^^ slimed this at 1:28 AM
edwards few and rare thoughts
hey check out what I've been up to in my bored free time.. A brand new desktop interface!
I am such a geek.
For those interested, here're what I used:
1) Photoshop + tablet for wallpaper
2) Blackbox for top bar and removal of desktop
3) RK Launcher for bottom dock
^^^ [e] ^^^ slimed this at 1:28 AM
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
My Spanking Brand New Tablet~!
woot.. chatting with my mum on my Deleter XP-Pen which i just bought from Simlim for $98 bucks.. fun fun
hopefully it'll help me when i embark on the job of revamping the XIX website.
Will upload a sample of my doodlings haha.. soon
^^^ [e] ^^^ slimed this at 9:59 PM
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Swamp Thing
I am turning into
Swamp Thing. Since Thursday I've been eating nothing but Vegetables, Avocadoes, Carrots and Tomatoes with Olive Oil.
Nothing else! On this 7 day detox diet as recommended by my chiropractor. Aim is to relax my always tense back muscles, to allow for more movement of the spine.
You guys better enjoy your bread, meats, cheese, eggs, cooked vegetables with other ingredients.
Some of you should try it too! the Perpetual Hunger effect coupled with EESSG syndrome.
4 more days to go.
How to survive?
I dunno.
P.S. EESSG means Everything Else Smells So Good.
^^^ [e] ^^^ slimed this at 1:44 PM
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
haha finally got off my lazy bum to blog.. so sorry to those who has nothing to read daily lol..
Anyway yep.. the several main things that has happened to me are namely, Victorian's Day, I-Bring-Pasta-To-Stef Day, Zhongjie's Birthday and of cuz today, the 14th of March =) and my newfound obssession to get to lvl60 in WoW.
Victorian's DayVictorian's Day was quite a blast, with us crazy XIXs running around like we used to 4yrs ago.. haiz.. those were the days.. and rushing out to mass dance every once in a while.. and i actually played floorball and scored a tyco goal. And whole of bunch of us winding up at Marine Terrace for the celebratory zi cha dinner 2nd time in a row. All the rest i want to say has been posted in yahoogroups, which has been bustling with life lately.
I-Bring-Pasta-To-Stef DayNext, is my attempt to appease my darling who complained I did not bring her pasta to eat in the middle of that faithful night. So, I promised her to make her pasta another day. Taking a few hrs off my Wo
W-ing, I went to Cold Storage to buy the essential cream, cheese, 3 kinds of shrooms, Tabasco. What happened next was basically cutting of bacon, shrooms, garlic and cheese, frying of those, stirring of milk and cream over slow fire, boiling of pasta, then voila! Creamy Mushroom Edwardy Pasta.
Packed in an icebox to keep warm, with a small bottle of white wine stuffed in another with ice, away I go on NEL to fulfil the life mission of keeping the missus happy.
I reached, had a wonderful meal in her room topped with wine.. ahhh.. happiness. Followed by a dance performance which was not bad in her school. What a date =)
Zhongjie's BirthdayDay started with me wowing along with Ben, ridding the Azerothian land of the scourge and fuelling the efforts of our guild in Molten Core. After finally being ready, we shared a cab down to Parkway in the raining-donkeys-and-elephants rain. Bummed around in PP, trying to look for a place to quell our hunger. Decided finally on Delifrance which has evolved to some Bistro nonsense. We were so n00b'ed in that place the waitresses might as well stare us in our faces and say "its alrite, l3aRn 2 P1aY". Finally got food in, and stef came to meet us and away we go to Jalan Terang Bulan(?) It was kinda crowded, and uncomfortably warm at Zhong's place, but other than that it was fine. Titan was there too, and Jac accuses it of being brokeback, cuz it doesnt like females (namely, her and Renita). And for those who doesnt know, Zhong has a personal sauna in his own room, with a sound system that makes it sound like the entrance of a club. Left pretty early though, and back to my adventuring days in WoW.
14th of MarchThen comes today! woo.. Stef and me as of today has weathered through 3yrs and 1mth, a long way from those VIVE banner painting days. Just went for a simple dinner at Pasta Fresca where we over ate, -again-. sigh. Now I'm blogging away, when stef is gone for dance prac. My book Cryptonomicon is about 55% done, hoping yo finish it asap. Nice book! its geek book though but I kinda like it =)
"Wouldnt you miss out on that whole big chunk of your life alive if you never have kids of your own?" - Random thoughts of edward, who wants 2.5 kids
^^^ [e] ^^^ slimed this at 9:49 PM
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
^^^ [e] ^^^ slimed this at 2:18 PM
A Levels Chem Result Part 1
the time now is 11:50AM.. 2hrs and 10mins more to go before I get my Chemistry result.
Target: E
Hope not to get: F
Grade to make me consider Australia seriously: B
Most likely grade: E
Oh hope my edwardism pulls through this time.. just an E.. come on..
Anyway this can be the litmus test for edwardism. 2yrs of syllabus in 2 slack weeks of studying with tanen at Macs. (which always turn into some chatting session or smth else)
^^^ [e] ^^^ slimed this at 11:57 AM