Tuesday, February 28, 2006
I Need To Cook
Hrm just a late night post. Just ate some italian pasta I fried a while ago, which got me an earful from stef. =(
Anyway the following are what I need to know how to cook:
- Wasabi Prawn Salad
- Frog Leg Porridge
- Italian pasta (all kinds)
- Sushi
- Crab (all kinds)
- Really nice mushroom soup
Now to research and experiment on how to make the prawns stay crunchy. Hrm.
"The way to a pregnant wife's erratic cravings is to know how to whip up all her expected wishes in the kitchen."
- Edward Chua, 28th Feb 2005
^^^ [e] ^^^ slimed this at 1:00 AM
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Mellben Seafood
Ok, I can tell some of you may already be sick of this nauseating sweet stuff I've been posting about stef.. but then again, who cares? the spirit of V-day lingers on.. haha. So here's the update on our makeup Vday date on Friday after Vday. And stef took me out!
(Franz Ferdinand's "Take Me Out" plays in background for effect).
So, it was meant to be a surprise. I met stef at NUS at around 630pm. Then we proceeded to Clementi Bus Interchange to take bus 165.
It was an 1.5hr bus ride! Super hungry, then alighted at Ang Mo Kio for
Mellben Seafood! But sadly we have to queue for like 30mins, then wait for the crab to be cooked. By the time we got our food, it was 930pm. Naturally, we ate like wolves.
The food was darn yummy la.. a small female crab that's not so small actually filled to the brim with eggs, my fav, which stef doesnt like. yay! Butter prawns which I ate whole. Sambal Kangkong which is my fav veggie, Hot Wok Tofu another of my fav, and Crispy tofu that stef was whining about. I drifted off into wonderland with all that food.. downed with 2 bowls of rice.
Then we saw a buncha celebrities, namely Huang Shinan, who was rather big sized, his wife Pan Lingling, stunning irl, Ivy Lee, pretty too.. and Vivian Lai who fell short of expectations. Mark Lee and his wife and another old time actor was there too. Poor peeps.. kept getting disturbed by pple wanting photos and chat.
Anyway, the table of 4 beside us cleared their billl for $74.80, and guess what, we cleared ours for $71.20! lol.. attached is the receipt, and us happily greeding away.
Food and love. What more can a guy ask for? (ok fine, sex is NOT included)

After such a heavy meal, we dragged our heavy tummies into a cab and just lazed the whole way back to NUS.
And when I came back from the toilet, I was greeted by so many candlelights floating on water in bowls in her darkened room!!! A SURPRISE! wahahaha I was so happy... love my baby so much *muackz* There was even ice cubes with Baileys for a nice after meal drink. While sipping slowly on that creamy Irish cream, we watched the VCD, "Before Sunset" which was, an interesting but different kind of movie..
Ahhh.. such bliss..
^^^ [e] ^^^ slimed this at 11:33 PM
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Expectations are such hideous things.
Its comes as natural as the sun, with time.
For you soon, have to bend to its whims,
Like in the shop, that average canine.
Gone are your self, your freedom, your mind
In place, her thoughts, her wishes, her wants.
Resist, and anger and wrath you'll find,
That you have no choice, but to slant.
Expectations, that monstrous thing
Placed upon us mercilessly.
That sometimes it makes us think,
"Why'd I do it willingly?"
Because I love her, simply.
^^^ [e] ^^^ slimed this at 9:50 PM
Friday, February 17, 2006
Valentines' Day
Hey hey, this is a belated update on Vday.
Hrm spent a big part of my day making stef's Vday presents for this year. I've decided to give her a bouquet of flowers she's never got before, and the longest card she's ever gotten. So, after a 6 gruelling hours of folding, cutting, gluing, moulding and taping, ordinary cardpaper, balloon sticks, green tape and plasticine transformed into a pretty bouquet of 18 roses. Check it out!

9 red, 9 pink and it smells of some Gucci perfume my mom sponsored!
The card was made the previous day, way into the late night. What's inside the card? hehe ask stef to show you.

Cardcover. The words are stamped a few deg off. The perfectionist in me complains.

Both the prez together!
Soon after these were done, I scooted off to give stef a half-surprise at NUS. Half because I bet that silly girl was already half expecting me to pop out from her window, under the bed or smth. (No, I appeared from the usual entrance, the door.) And she loved the presents! Haha mission accomplished. So here're some pics:

Stef trying out her acting skills.

With both of them =)
Sadly, because my officer refused to let me take off the next day, I embarked on my long journey home after that. Happy though, cuz I just made stef really happy =)
Last night, me, stef and our sisters went to catch Franz Ferdinand at SIS. Unfortunately we only knew like 1 or 2 songs by them, but the crowd was high and it was fun. My sis and stef were dancing bouncing and screaming away.. hahaha.. I enjoyed the song I like best, "Take Me Out", which I think I heard in sec3. The day ended on a slightly bad note though, but nvm.
And I got to do smth really fun! Here goes:
Me: Hi Jacqueline! Oh, Jacqueline, this is Jacqueline. Jacqueline, meet Jacqueline.
Jac: oh hi!
Jac: hey =)
Me: Jacqueline, Jacqueline's from SCGS. And Jacqueline's from SCGS too!
wahahaha so fun! ok a bit lame though but fun! Jac Seng meets Jac Chua. lalala
^^^ [e] ^^^ slimed this at 12:32 PM
Monday, February 13, 2006
Azure Titan and my long but fulfilling day
Hey all, presenting the new name of my new family addition, Azure Titan. Haha a final decision made by me and my sis after 2 days of brainstorming. But we're just gonna call him Titan. Azure Titan's the full name =)
No photos right now, but will get some soon as he settles in better.
Anyway today at noon me and my sis set out all the way to Arab St first, to get her chiffon cloth for dance. Then we walked over to Concourse to buy our V-day stuff, and unexpectedly some parrot stuff.. we had such a great time shopping there.. hand crafts delights! and cheap prices too. damn spotlight.. boooo
Next we walked all the way back to Bugis MRT, then to Orchard Wisma to collect our Franz Ferdinand concert ticket.. my first concert ever! woot. Then off we go! back to the NEL and to Serangoon North to pick up my new bird cage and some food.
Haha my sis was happily shopping for her slightly neglected Pickles(dwarf hamster) too. It was at that shop that we heard and witnessed a freak show. This badly deformed hamster with two stubs for legs, a normal one and another that jutted out at an odd angle happily hopped to this other one. This other one had two limbs stripped to red raw flesh, lying on its back and its neck bleeding. Just when we peeked in, Deformy started chewing and tugging at Bleedy's foot. We turned away immediately but still heard Bleedy squeaking in pain. AHHH... It was like "Nightmare on Elm Street" Hamtaro Style. ack. What money hungry shop owners would do..
Anyway we quickly left the shop and headed to Serangoon Gardens Ice Cube for dinner + dessert. My sis had a Fish and Cheesy Chips, I had a Beef Lasagne and we both shared a banana split with a scoop of French Vanilla, Malt Krispies and Chocho-Nanas.. amazing meal. Expensive though.. Emma joined us halfway and had a Cookie Crunch.
Planned to go to Ben's dinner buffet but was too tired and full after the meal. So went home, decorated Titan's new bungalow, played with him a bit and here I am.. =)
^^^ [e] ^^^ slimed this at 1:35 AM
Friday, February 10, 2006
Sunkissed Lovers
Hey! this is just a photo show off entry, so dont mind me. Btw I just came back from watching stef dance for the first time, for KR Hall's TGIO event.
Things I Never Knew About Stef: She is darn hot when doing her moves.. kinda feels like I'm checking out my gf of 3yrs all over again. Not that I mind.. *grin*

This shot was by stef. Quite off centre eh? but cute pic anyway =)

Shot by me! Awww.. just look at that picture perfect sunkissed lovers.. *smile*
p.s. I got tanned while supporting her soccer carnival. She didnt get as black cuz she used some China brand sunblock.
^^^ [e] ^^^ slimed this at 2:30 AM
Monday, February 06, 2006
hey hey~ Da just updated her blog and here're just some photos we took at the law bash =)
Click to see larger version:

^^^ [e] ^^^ slimed this at 6:49 PM
Presenting..... My Sis!
Since you guys are already acquainted with my sis, here's smth we cam up with when we wre bored after reunion dinner. Haha I've yet to ask mysis for use of her photos but who cares she posed for my handphone so its my pictures.. lol.
Click to see larger version =)
^^^ [e] ^^^ slimed this at 12:20 AM
Sunday, February 05, 2006
My Sis' Debut at XIX outing!
WAh.. tired and my eye balls are so bloodshot I look deranged.
Just got home after a long but fun filled day =) Firstly, I was at NUS at 1030 to help Pearl with her Advocacy Cup, which I think I didnt do spectacularly well, and Singapore is just too small, when the prosecution lawyer who happened to be wendy's friend suaned me again on her website unknowingly.. how gay.
Ate lunch at PP Banquet, had a large grilled lamb with soup and shared a bit of rojak with Pearl. Then I went to Pearl's place to ascertain whether her claims of her childhood prettiness was true. Apparently I only found 1 good shot, and numerous photos of 5yr-old Pearl in centrefold poses. No kidding.
Then we left for VJ to help out with the V-day prep. Afternoon soon came and my sis arrived in a cab! Only to be stopped at the gate by the security guards who were so adamant that a sec3 girl would pose safety threats to the school. Later my poor sis had to become an illegal stowaway in Pearl's boot in order to get in. But she was commenting on how big it was though.. Audrey you got a bootie friend!
We cut vanguard, chalked cloth, and designed quilt patches and did nonsensical stuff. My sis designed a patch, with a really cute gothic cartoon "Corpse Brid-ish" couple and a skull Sun and various designs and a large VJC on top. However there was a space on it, so I wanted a caption to go with it and asked for suggestions. Many weird things came up, then Aud said a very apt and impressive one:
"Where The Dead Come Alive". Wah.. impressed. (btw the couple should really have dunmanian in fine print)
Then we proceeded to Ian's place with the parata man! woot. Dinner was fantastic. There was prata, noodles, drinks, and of course
yu sheng which we managed to
lou. Conversation over the dinner table was serious ab-training due to the funny topics brought up. Rosh, who finally met her long lost partner-in-crime Carolyn was soo happy that there's another naughty girl. Chiching was just plainly whacked by Rosh Carolyn and Audrey.. haha she's darn full of suggestive stuffies.. hehe you go girl! *laughs to the floor*
My sis mixed readily with the bunch, talking to quite a few of them and generally had a lot of laughter and fun.
Then we played Bang! it was so fun but by the time we left it was 12.. need to zZzz now.. sleepy..
^^^ [e] ^^^ slimed this at 2:14 AM
Friday, February 03, 2006
Law Bash and my trip back to VJ
Heh many of you would've heard about the law bash from drunk tanen. It was not bad, def better than DXO and their trance.. boooo. (not ur fault pearl). Met a bunch of old RI schmates, some army friends and da,mich,shaner and tzeyi.
Left at around 230, got home at 3plus, showered, WoWed then concussed onto my bed. Surprisingly, I woke up at 9.. which is good which means i get more time to Wow.. haha chionging to level now, feeling bad I'm lagging behind and the future in your guild is good.. for once!
Left at 2 for VJ, to meet up with Harm for the Commemorative(?) CD we're planning for Victorians' Day. Spent a chunk of the meeting debating and discussing about the copyrights of photos and concerns over usages of the Archives and VJ Photosoc materials. In the end Chee Chew me and Harm went straight to Mrs Chan and was gladly given the green light =)
Ben met us after that, and we went to tour "The Igloo" aka Students' Lounge, just chill. Mr. Robert Yeo happily invited us in, and wwaaaahhhhh I wanna be born 4 years later. The lounge has two sections: the non-carpeted area has a sealed partition, revealing a LCD flat screen TV, connected to a PS2. It also has a sitting area and two bean bag.
The carpeted area, has (takes a deep breath) a 6ft pool table, foosball table, dart board, entertainment system with speakers all around, 2 large sections of mirror maybe for mass dance practising. The mirrors slide open to reveal a bag closet. Wah.
Next we found that thursday was the Council interview day too! So we went to sit in at the holding room in V block and started chatting with the councillors and new applicants. Haha all of them are ardent VJ supporters, which is good, and to my dismay this is the batch that marks the beginnning of a Raffles-less council. No more! boohooo.. We feel so old just talking to them, and just made me reminisce abt the good ol' day. Haiz.
VJ has really gotten really really rich, signs of that everywhere, and its really deviating away from the common notion of a school and turning into smth really different. VJCosiety? VJ Merchandise? hrm hrm
Just had a talk with my sec3 sister, and all her friends around her has only one JC they're dying to go to:
Victoria Junior College. Haha rock on man, we're now the hip and funky school, HCJC is known as the Chinaman School and RJC the school of stuck ups snobs with their noses on their foreheads... hahaha (ok that's what people tell me. RJCians please dont come after me)
^^^ [e] ^^^ slimed this at 8:05 PM