Monday, October 31, 2005
Cheesy French Toast.. *yum*
woot.. delicious quadruple-decker frech toast with 2 slices of cheese all melted in it, glistening with the traces of oil, on such a lovely marbled brown-yellow surface. It's breakfast made for me by dear stef!! -dance dance- (too hungry to remeber to take a photo.. oops! the cheese drips out too!) of cuz, I had celery and tomatoes with italian dressing from her mum too.. healthy eating =) All that down with a cup of tea w/o milk.
What a wonderful way to wake up.. everyone should try it one day.. (not with stef. shoo)
got two pretty coffee bottles in my bag now.. gonna go wash them and resue.. for what, I dont know yet.
bought a new piece of cuttlebone for Fiefie, hope she likes it. And her favourite metal chain broke. She must be so sad.. gotta go find one more for her.. anyway has those small tiny chains that u just want to throw away? (e.g. pager chains)
gonna go for dinner now, then attempt to tackle
My Room the abomination that has lived too long.
^^^ [e] ^^^ slimed this at 5:48 PM
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Ha Ha Crabs
what a dumb name.. Ha Ha Crab. But the stall looks quite different.. it was a huge open top tank that allows pple to reach in and choose their crabs. The shell were in your bright colours with cartoony designs.. hopefully the paint is not toxic.
Land Hermit crabs(Coenobita Rugosus) vendors are rare in Singapore.. been looking for them for awhile. But now its here, with exhorbitant price tags in J8.
(at this point of time stef pops in and demand she sees what i'm typing)
(she leaves)
$25 for one, $45 for two.. its blatant robbery!! and the "package" consisting of food, supplements, tank etc etc is $60 for a regular one and $85 for a large one with a pair. Why..... anyone wanna go hermit crab hunting with me? but those sold are so tiny.. i want palm sized ones.
Did you know? that the largest hermit crab uses its pincers to break open coconuts for food? now see u've grown smarter.
hungry right now.. waiting for the wonderful dinner ahead. Its now been changed to Chilli Crab.. *sigh*
^^^ [e] ^^^ slimed this at 5:39 PM
The Body won
yay the Body has defeated the Tummy with secret weapon, Rest & Sleep.
just back from my 1st tuition lesson in 1mth, poor kid fractured both his wrists. (how? by walking backwards and tripping.. sounds like smth i would do at p5) gave lesson for like 1hr and spent the rest of 30mins chatting with the mum about his bro's secondary school posting. i became xinmin's spokesperson.. =P
talked to Fiefie for awhile, and cleaned that silly parrot's mouth(beak?) for her.. some food got stuck and dried on the feathers near her beak. gave a treat of millet spray that made her so excited like a edward given stef. watched her peck at the food, took her out for a head scratch and then returned her to her millet.
so i'm back here blogging, and leaving soon to stef's place for.........
Black Pepper Crab Chilli Crab made by her grandma.. wooohoooo~
gonna see you soon jacob.. *grin*
and and wow.. my camp mate janvion just called me.. saying there's this thing at junction 8 i would *love* so much. Its a set-up stall selling hermit crabs aquariums! hrm very tempted to go check it out now.. might be last day.. boo.. and then again, haha this guy knows me well!
^^^ [e] ^^^ slimed this at 3:03 PM
Saturday, October 29, 2005
turtle soup
back from turtle soup with mum dad and sis.. finally took a cab there since there's only 4 of us.
its ok.. nice great meal.. but i only ate
ONE bowl of rice... a monumental day at the turtle soup place. from my usual 2-3 bowls.
laughed my head off on the way back with my silly sticky sister.. almost puked everything out.. both of us.. (jiu4 ming4 ah~ x3) lol..
my gastronomical situation now is not dissimilar to the U.S. war in Iraq..
wish me lotsa "wells".
^^^ [e] ^^^ slimed this at 7:37 PM
wise words, sour hotcakes and soggy hashbrowns
who knew you'd actually be enlightened by Chris Rock? he is one darn good and smart comedian.. he's like a ben tung on Happy Dust. lol.. anyway an excerpt:
"Marriage is boring, Single is looonnneely"
"You'll never get happiness.." haha
and yes.. early morning McDonalds delivery is harmful to your health. You get your food, and after eating thru one whole Hotcake cuz u're so freakin' hungry, you realise its sour. You "think" its cuz your tastebuds are still sleeping.. so you go rinse your mouth, and start over again.. and darn.. thru those syrup its still sour. (i ate all anyhow.. i grew up eating bread mould, mooncake fungi and curdled milk)
now, soured Hotcakes I can take. But
lukewarm hard, soggy Hashbrowns?! Its like it was frozen along with the Hotcakes from yesterday and thawed and delivered to us today. I didnt even have the guts to go thru half of it. My expectation of a hot, oil-filled, crispy golden hashbrown with lotsa pepper was met with a slightly yellowish turd-like object. Bah
my tummy is staging an insurgence in me for ill-treatment.
wish me well.
^^^ [e] ^^^ slimed this at 4:57 PM
Friday, October 28, 2005
back from Ice3

just came out of shower after being back..
after chem prac, went home for quick dinner, packed my stuff then went out to Ice Cube to meet tanen at 8pm.. hrm turns out neither of us was hungry so we ordered me: waffles with 3 cubes of butter (it was unsalted! yuck) tanen: choc brownie. finished eating, talked a bit, went into...
THE RAIN. It was bad.. depressingly bad..

our plans to coffee bean was thrashed by wet tables and filled indoor seats, got stranded. Seeked refuge in McDonalds', and had sundae, water and $2 McChickens and
studied chem (dear see this? -hop hop-)
finally. that emma finished his driving and came at 11pm, then we went for second round of Ice Cube (they so love us). This time it was beef lasagne and Volcani Eruption(meaning oreo crumbs, choc ice cream, milo powder and choc chips). we are such pigs. did some catching up and zoom it was home.

then my blog got a tagboard!! had to catch up with chiew's renovations boo.. its flooding now already though.. heh..
lastly.. thanks dear for such a lovely comment.. i'll need to pee crude oil if i were to get those though.. *grin*
^^^ [e] ^^^ slimed this at 2:18 AM
Thursday, October 27, 2005
A Levels Chem Prac Over!
my first and last ever chem prac is now over. Yay! due to my countless lucky stars all over, organic chem didnt turn up and instead a free-frag thermochem thingie which i thought was more physics prac came up.
only grievance is my 35.10 - 10.00 =
15.10 which i even wrote twice. and the 0.5/50 = 10% dumb mistake. Yes my dear brain, I'm not trusting you to do anymore mental calculations.. not even 1 + 1. *shakes head* Other than that, managed to identify and do tests for 2 out of 3 of the ions, Cl
- and Cu
2+, but didnt manage to do the last conc. acid test and the whole planning part.. not that i'd know how to do anyway.
So, I'd like to thank my dearest Stef for her undying support, the "ray of last-minute-light" from mz, (for her crash course and digicamed notes), CSI, Boston Legal, Charmed, Pearl for her wee morning msg, and my mum for the 2 soft boiled eggs, burger and milo =)
check out my cool cool digicammed notes below:

chem sucks
^^^ [e] ^^^ slimed this at 6:20 PM
Lovely Date with stef @ Cosy Bay on 21st Oct
some photo posts for the night at Cosy Bay last friday, great recommendation by chiew who saved me.. haha
This is such a sweet pic.. aaww. see the msg? *grin*
A truly "MTV wind" moment..
Me attempting to snatch the focus of the camera.. failed.
^^^ [e] ^^^ slimed this at 4:00 AM
revival of this tiny bit of cyberspace
what a weird moment now.. 3 years after i started this personal blog of mine i'm writing in it again.. finally got my lazy bum up and went ahead with getting a blog.. with coercion from chiew..
its 2am now, and I have a chem prac in like 7hrs, which, i'm mugging the
Summary of Reactions for Cations and Anions, generously sponsored and digicamed and msn'ed to me by the very helpful meizhen.. great thanks!
today pretty much went past quite ok, had my final episode of Teen Titans, which was great =) cut my hair, had wonderful beehoon with stef for lunch, studied some more chem, treated myself to the 2nd last episode of Charmed and an episode of late night Boston Legal.
anyway will get my profile pic up which, will most probably be the same as my msn pic, because chem is making me feral.. *chomp chomp chomp* *roar* will set this blog up more prettily when i get breaks from chem..
tt's the end of this first post of 2005.. preparing my nose for the breathing of pungent gases and bubbles that form white ppt with Ca(OH)2 (aq)
^^^ [e] ^^^ slimed this at 2:12 AM